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#nowy orlean

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Najlepszy komentarz (35 piw)
ra0mir • 2022-04-20, 8:54
Daniel01 napisał/a:

obedrzeć chuja czornego ze skóry to za mało....ale to przestroga dla białych suczy co chcą czarną knagę poczuć w cipie.....na koniec chuj wam suki w ryj po same bile...nie żal mi jej.

Ta biała na pewno nie raz obierała tego czarnego chuja ze skóry. Zapewne następnego dnia zrobi to samo. Nie żal mi w ogóle idiotki
de_Sade • 2019-06-30, 23:46
Kategoria wagowa open:

Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
mikroszkop • 2019-07-01, 0:23
Jak pieniądze szybko znikają
Atak stadny
~DMT • 2017-06-27, 8:27
Nowy Orlean. Dwójka turystów zostaje pobita i okradziona.

Oryginalny opis:

ukryta treść
James Curran and Tim Byrne of Boston area in Massachussets were in New Orleans for the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association – the annual meeting of the religious association they are members of. Just before 9pm on June 24, 2017, whilst on their way back to the hotel where they were staying, the pair was viciously assaulted and robbed by a pack of black men.

The CCTV footage of the assault shows both men getting attacked from behind. Apparently, the assailants are too cowardly to face white men head on. Whereas James Curran takes the sucker punch like a boss, the assailant puts him in a choke-hold and drags him down to the sidewalk.

Tim Byrne hits the ground face first after being pummeled, and appears knocked out. A pool of blood seems to collect on the sidewalk around him. According to local reports, he is in a coma and his condition is serious.

The robbers stole the tourists’ wallets and cell phones and fled. One of them returned briefly and jerked Tim Byrne before resuming his flight.

As of Monday night, one suspect – 21 year old Dejuan Paul, is under arrest. The police say they identified the remaining attackers and are on a look out for them.
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
qhash • 2017-06-27, 8:32
Nie ma w słowniku ludzi kulturalnych słów, które mogłyby dostatecznie obelżywie określić to czarne ścierwo
Six Flags New Orleans
~Ludomir • 2010-11-09, 17:04
Zapraszam Was na wycieczkę po parku Six Flags New Orleans

Wesołe miasteczko zostało zniszczone przez huragan Katrina i od tamtej pory pozostaje zamknięte.

sorki za jakość, jeśli komuś to przeszkadza to zapraszam tutaj: gadling.com/2010/11/05/abandoned-six-flags-new-orleans-video-is-creeping-us-out/